Retford Ladies Probus Club

by | 18 January 2022 | Group meeting, Local Charity, Probus, Retford, Social Group

Retford Ladies Probus Club’s Christmas luncheon, which took place on 10th November, was well-attended and the ladies were entertained by a duo called Fool’s Gold. They were multi-instrumental singers and history raconteurs, performing some of their own songs and other more well-known numbers. One such told of the story of Grace Darling, who lived in Longstone Lighthouse in the Farne Islands.

Grace became famous for participating in the rescue of people from the Forfarshire. She died an untimely death at the age of 27 and at her funeral a young man appeared from the crowd and placed a single flower on her coffin. Sadly, it became apparent that the pair had been writing amorous letters for some time but had never actually met.

On 8th December the ladies met for a bite of festive fun with sherry and mince pies, followed by a Christmas quiz. The icing on the cake, however, was the Retford u3a Recorder Ensemble. This local group entertained with lovely renditions of carols using all the recorders, including some very different ones which beautifully enhance the tone and layering of quite complicated settings. Credit due to everyone, particularly their conductor and player, Janet Lewis.

The next meeting will take place at Westhill Community Centre, Ordsall on Wednesday 12th January at 10.00am for a 10.30am start. The speaker will be Paul Whittaker OBE on his topic ‘Music to My Ears’. All are welcome.