Retford in Bloom

by | 19 July 2020 | Community Event, Retford

Unfortunately, the pandemic has meant that the Retford Civic Society annual project, Retford in Bloom, will not fully happen this year.In most cases, shop fronts and pubs will not have their usual magnificent floral displays, and they will be relying on us all to shop locally to support them, now that restrictions are slowly being lifted and safety procedures are in place.

Some good news is that North Notts BID and Strawson Property Ltd have agreed to carry forward their sponsorship of the Hanging Basket Scheme to 2021 and the Retford Rotary Club are also allowing their financial support of Retford in Bloom 2020 to move into 2021. Community projects will also be on hold.

Schools and pre-school centres had received their potato growing kits before lockdown and those that have managed to grow them during the crisis will receive recognition and prizes. The organisers suppose that Retford Civic Society judges will not be allowed to enter school premises and staff and pupils will have to weigh their crop and send them their photos and results.

The Retford in Bloom Presentation Evening planned for Wednesday 23rd September will not take place this year.

The Front Garden Competition will however take place but in a restricted format. There will be no external judging. Judging will be undertaken in each Retford ward by a Retford in Bloom committee member. We can all play a part by nominating front gardens – your own or those you see on your health walks around town by emailing