Retford Cricket Club England Legends Day

by | 16 July 2019 | Retford, Uncategorised

June has proved a testing time for cricket players young and old at Retford Cricket Club, but despite the trying weather they have managed to squeeze in most training sessions and matches.  The Under 13 and Under 11 teams won places in their respective Bassetlaw Cup Finals — which are due to be held at Retford Cricket Ground on Sunday 21st July, along with the regions Under 15 final. The day is open to all and there will be plenty of fun and entertainment for all the family — Trent Bridge are even sending their ‘Road Show’ van.

The club are proud to announce that they will be holding an England Legends day on Friday 30th August, with none other than Darren Gough headlining the day. For more information please visit
For those looking to get into, or back into, cricket the club operates two senior teams catering for all ages and abilities – from the dedicated to the recreational occasional players and is always open to new members. In addition to the Under 9, Under 11 and Under 13 teams it also has two Kwik Cricket teams and is encouraging the players of the future through the ECB’s All Stars programme. Finally, new to the club this year is the introduction of a ladies team, which is looking for talent — no experience necessary!
The club welcomes all new players, from five years old:

  • Men’s training is at 6.00pm on a Thursday
  • Juniors and ladies training is 6.00pm on a Friday

It all takes place opposite Morrisons. Just turn up and have some fun!