Retford Charter Day 2021

by | 26 February 2021 | Community Event, Retford

Retford Charter Day will not be taking place this May Bank Holiday due to ongoing concerns around the current COVID situation. At a virtual committee meeting, the organisers of Charter Day have agreed unanimously that it would be unsafe and unwise to plan and run the popular event that has taken place each May in the town for 26 years.
Retford Charter Day is a large scale event that would encourage between 10,000 and 20,000 people to be in close proximity within the town and, although outside, the organisers cannot confidently guarantee social distancing would be adhered to. Even with the new vaccines, it would be unsafe and reckless to proceed with planning the event for this year.
It was unthinkable a year ago that the organisers would still be in this situation in 2021 and need to cancel again. However, work behind the scenes will continue as the committee proceeds to develop the day in anticipation of next year’s event!
Please follow Retford Charter Day on Facebook for further news and updates. If you want to get in touch, please email
The organisers thank you for your understanding and hope to see you next year.