The 2019 season kicked off when Retford Bowling Green opened on 20th April. This was followed by the two traditional start of season events.
The first of these is President’s Opening, ably organised by this year’s President Shirley Pickersgill and supported by her Vice-President Gordon Morley. The format is a light hearted match where each team is playing for the president or vice-president. This year the president’s teams won. After playing Shirley provided the players with a light buffet to finish off an enjoyable evening.
The second of these events was the club’s Open Day. In the morning the club was open for members of the public to come and try the game and meet the members. This was followed by a members’ competition in the afternoon. Throughout the day the Boston Bowls Shop were in attendance in the clubhouse to enable members to stick up on all of their bowling needs: woods, measures, shoes, clothing and everything else for the game.
On Charter Day, members of the club were at the bowling green in Kings Park to welcome visitors and give them a taster session of bowling. The response from the public was good and it is hoped that at least some of them will take up the game. Also, you are welcome to visit the club on Saturday mornings from 10.00am to 12.00pm, for free coaching — the last of these being on 1st June. However, you are welcome to come at any time by arrangement with the club’s coach, Joan Mather. You can call her on 01427 880060.
For more information on the club visit their website, email or call Geoff Evans on 01777 948194.