The June meeting of the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK had an air of great sadness as members mourned the sudden loss of a popular member of the branch. Jane had been a member for many years and will be sadly missed.
Members’ thoughts and prayers are with her husband and family. Three new members joined the branch to a warm welcome. Members enjoyed a splendid presentation by Arthur Deakin on King Richard III, with fascinating facts about the life and times of the monarch.
The next meeting takes place on 4th July, when Mike Ogden will talk about ‘The Palace of Westminster’. The meeting starts at 2.00pm at Worksop Cricket Club, Central Avenue, S80 1EN. There will also be a lunch at The Lockkeeper Worksop later in the month. New members are welcomed most months and if you would like to join the group please contact Chris for more information on 01909 730629.