Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust – North Nottinghamshire Local Group

by | 19 April 2020 | Retford, Wildlife, Worksop

The guided walk around Gamston Wood on Sunday 10th May led by Rob Atkinson has been cancelled owing to the continuing pandemic and associated restrictions.  This would have been the start of the North Nottinghamshire Local Group of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s summer programme of activities which, like everything else, is in doubt at present.

A monthly update will be issued and they shall resume their programme of talks and activities, including the AGM, as soon as they can after restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.  They look forward to welcoming all our members back so please do take care and ensure you follow the guidelines for protecting yourself against the disease.

If you want any more information or you’d like to have a chat about things, please call Jan on 01777 709974 or 07969 180067 or you can email her at Please email your request if you would like to receive regular email updates of Local Group activities or, as at present, inactivities!