Nottinghamshire Motor Neurone Disease Association

by | 11 June 2019 | Retford, Sherwood, Support Group, Worksop

At the last support meeting of Nottingham Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) in Retford, members were discussing (once again) how hard it is to find clothes you want to wear when getting in and out of your favourite things becomes physically more difficult or near impossible… finding clothes that are ‘fashionable’ rather than just wearing what’s currently available. Velcro has its place, but not on every piece of clothing you own!
They would love to talk to anyone who has ideas (or sewing skills) that would expand the current adapted clothing options. Call them or go along to their free monthly support group which will be 19th June at The Well, Retford, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

With an open invitation to anyone diagnosed with or affected by MND, the small, friendly group consists of people diagnosed with MND, family members, carers, specialist advisors from the local healthcare team and the MNDA. Together they can help support each other through the questions, challenges and the impact of MND.
It can be reassuring to talk and also listen, no questions or concerns about life with MND are too small and members can use their own experiences to help those diagnosed or affected to feel supported and be a place to ‘touch base’ when needed.

Please be assured of a warm and friendly welcome, refreshments are provided, they look forward to hearing from you. For more information, please contact Kim on 03453 751836 or Jenny on 01623 871183. Alternatively email