Nottinghamshire Environmental Association Christmas Quiz

by | 31 January 2023 | Environment, Heritage, Retford, Wildlife

Nottinghamshire Environmental Association Treasurer Adrian Blackburn devised a wildlife-based quiz for members at the final meeting of 2022 in December.

With a total of 20 exhibits, the quiz was designed to tease, educate and test all members, whatever their level of expertise. There were photographs, preserved display birds, dry plants and articles such as owl pellets. Members tested their knowledge individually or in small groups.

After 40 minutes of head scratching and intense discussion Adrian let everyone into the secrets of each item. Most members were able to get into the early teens and a few managed the late teens. Each item was discussed, and a little bit of background gave all members extra knowledge.

It was fun, testing and interesting! The quiz was followed by festive light refreshments and mulled wine.

The first meeting of 2023 was a talk on the ‘whys and wherefores’ of an individual undertaking a Pilgrimage in the medieval period, a period where travel was generally limited to within just a few miles of home as it was both difficult with lack of roads and dangerous with many thieves and robbers around. The presenter was dressed in the clothing of a typical pilgrim, with linen undergarments which could easily be washed and tougher wool overgarments.

The talk was delightful, interesting and thought provoking, with many artifacts to illustrate points being made by the speaker.

The next meeting will be on 2nd February with a talk entitled ‘A Road by Any Name’, concerning the origin and development of roads in Britain. The 2nd March talk is titled ‘Welsh Slate Mines’
All indoor meetings take place at Hallcroft Community Centre, Randall Way, Retford and start at 7.30pm prompt. New members are always welcome and can either join the Association or be a visitor. Fees apply in either case.

For further information please contact or