News from the museums of Tuxford

by | 29 April 2023 | Community Event, Heritage, Retford

At the end of March an International Symposium was held at the Museum of the Horse. Members of the club International D’Eperonnerie came to visit and inspect the Museum. They are an exclusive group of serious authorities on equestrian antiques and antiquities. They come from as far afield as America, Canada, Russia and most of Europe, as well as two members from the UK. Members include the curators of Saumur in France and the Metropolitan in New York.

On this occasion the visitors were from Belgium Italy and Switzerland; sadly the French were unable to join them due to strikes in France. The visitors declared the Museum to be amongst the finest horse museums in the world. As well as the Museum, the visitors were treated to examples from collections of five English private collectors and they were entertained by Colin Pawson, the Royal Windsor Coach horn champion, who gave a talk on coaching (both mail and stage) and took the enthralled audience on an imaginary coach trip,blowing all the different calls that were made on the road and which were the language of the road. Spine tingling, informative and fascinating. If enough people were interested, the Museum would invite him to give another talk – please contact to register your interest.

On Thursday 4th May, the Walks of Life Museum will be the Polling Station for Lincoln road area. The Museum will be open and will have some history on voting, and you will also be able to visit the Cake Lady and the Costermongers stall with vegetables and plants.

On Coronation Day, Saturday 6th May, the Museum will host craft stalls and a chance for visitors to take a picture with the pantomime coach kindly loaned to the Museum by East Markham Players. It will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Please go along and enjoy the Museum and outdoor space; take your picnic and games.

Then on Saturday 20th May at 2.00pm (the start of War Graves Week), there will be a presentation about the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in honouring those who died in the First and Second World War. Book you place via Diane on 01777 872776 or

In line with the King’s tribute to volunteers, the Museum will be offering local charities a chance to promote their cause at a special event on Saturday 9th September. Chosen to take place around International Charities Day (on 5th September and recognised by the United Nations), local causes will be able to fundraise and raise awareness of their work. Contact them with your ideas and to book a stall free of charge.