Welcome to new members
Retford Business Forum welcomes its new members– Cath Ray Gallery, and Escape the Ordinary, both on Bridgegate.
Cath Ray Gallery
Cath opened the gallery in July 2022 and it has since delivered 15 solo exhibitions for artists, provided six work experience placements for students from schools in the region, raised over £4,000 for local and national charities at events held at the gallery, provided studio space for six other artists, and held regular studio events as part of the county-wide Open Studios organisation.
All this has been going on alongside a comprehensive programme of daytime and evening classes in drawing, painting and crafts, as well as after-school clubs for children and teenagers.
The gallery is open from 10.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Saturday (closes at 2.00pm on Tuesdays). Contact them at 07803 204424 or raybooks@msn.com and follow them on Instagram: @cathraygalleryandstudios or Facebook: Cath Ray Gallery & Studios.
Escape the Ordinary
Escape the Ordinary opened just off Retford Market Square in 2019 with the vision of its proprietor, Lucy, of bringing alternative and Goth style to Retford. At the time the boutique opened, there was no-one stocking alternative and Goth clothing and accessories in the town. It moved to Bridgegate in 2022, to a website and online store. Lucy has always had a huge passion for all things dark, creepy, and unusual, loving Goth and alternative subcultures and being inspired by them for as long as she can remember. Lucy tries to stock a wide range of sizes and, where she can, she will stock up to sizes 2XL (size 22).
Gothic and witchy homeware items are another element. Not a lot of shops stock the homeware lifestyle side as well as the clothes/accessories. See alternativeretford.wixsite.com/alternativefashion and
contact them at escapetheordinary.retford@gmail.com.
Retford Town Centre Partnership Board
The Board has agreed funding for Nottinghamshire County Council to carry out a trimming of the trees on Carolgate in March. This will enable better CCTV monitoring and will not harm the trees. The Board is also funding repairs in 2025 to the surface on Carolgate where incorrect materials have been used and the laying of a new surface at the southern end in a colour similar to the pedestrian area to help alert drivers approaching from New Street.
Retford Business Forum
Retford Business Forum (RBF) is looking for your help – if you would like to volunteer for a few hours or to help run RBF, please contact chair@retfordbusinessforum.org.uk.
Retford Business Forum (RBF) events are delivered in partnership with North Notts BID, and Bassetlaw District Council. To find out about RBF membership, and to support them (for only £24.00 per year), please contact membership@retfordbusinessforum.org.uk.