Les Francophiles de Tickhill

by | 28 November 2022 | Hobbies, Retford, Social Group

As 2022 draws to a close, Les Francophiles de Tickhill celebrate their Fête de Noël a little early on Wednesday 7th December. Please remember ‘apporter et partager’ a savoury or sweet dish for the festive table. Come and join in fun with a French theme and then enjoy ‘le repas’ on offer!

Moving into the new year, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th January members will enjoy talk by Shirley McCarthy and Andrew Bates about running a French restaurant. This promises to be a lively and interesting insight into owning a business in France.

Talks are in English but there is an opportunity to speak French during the meeting with many members being fluent in the language. Members old and new are welcome.

The group meets in the Parish Room, Tickhill DN11 9HZ on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. Please ring Janet Erridge for more details on 01302 745281.