Bassetlaw Hospice has recently launched their exciting new membership scheme and now they have launched their new website, Bonney, the Charity Operations Manager, said: “We are very excited about our new and improved website. It is user friendly, interactive, and attractive. We are now fully online, with online forms for areas such as the membership scheme, new volunteering opportunities, and fundraising. For people who do not go online, we have the existing forms available, and are here to chat on the phone throughout the week.”
The hospice is looking forward to opening up the shops in Worksop and Retford from 12th April in line with Government restrictions. Donations will be by appointment only from 12th April. Bonney added: “We are all very much looking forward to opening the shops; we are devastated that we have been closed for so long and we are ready to welcome everyone back. We owe so much to our valued volunteers for all their dedication and support throughout this pandemic. Thank you.”
For more information call the team on 01777 710444.