Inspire, who deliver libraries on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, are getting ready for another inspiring summer of reading with Silly Squad, Summer Reading Challenge 2020. The Summer Reading Challenge is a great way to keep primary aged children reading for pleasure over the summer break. This annual challenge is produced by The Reading Agency and runs in partnership with libraries across the country. The theme this year is Silly Squad – a celebration of funny books, happiness and laughter.
Usually, the challenge takes place in libraries across Nottinghamshire. This year, with the disruption caused by COVID-19 and the impact of social distancing on schools and public libraries, the 2020 challenge will be an all-new digital challenge. Children will set their own personal reading goal and take part online to unlock digital rewards.
To take part in Silly Squad, children need to sign up at (a parent / carer will need to approve sign up). Children taking part online will meet the Silly Squad; a loveable bunch of animals who run a fantastic fun house. The website will be a place to log the books they read, they can rate and review them too. They’ll unlock digital rewards, badges and activities as they progress through the challenge.
Though the challenge may look a little different this year, Inspire Libraries will be there every step of the way to cheer on Nottinghamshire’s Silly Squad. There are ebooks to borrow to read and listen to. And as always, children choose the books they want to read on their challenge; novels, fact books, joke books – all reading counts.
The majority of Nottinghamshire libraries are now open and look forward to welcoming children back to choose books to help them take part in this year’s challenge. Full details of libraries that are open are on
Find out more about the Summer Reading Challenge and the brilliant online activities Nottinghamshire libraries have planned at
Every child who completes the challenge by completing their reading goal will be able to download a certificate to keep. It’s all free fun and a great way to keep children reading over the summer holidays. Silly Squad runs until September.