Inner Wheel Club of Retford

by | 17 October 2023 | Inner Wheel, Retford

Retford Inner Wheel was delighted to support the Scrooby Show with a stall. This year members were selling jewellery and had a very popular tombola. All monies raised will go to support local charities.

They have also welcomed new member Anne Hopps to the club.
A regular monthly event enjoyed by all is the walk around Idle Valley Nature Reserve followed by a coffee in the café. Members, friends, partners and dogs have a most enjoyable morning.

Over 30 baby bundles, toy bags and joy bags as well as clothes for older children have been put together and forwarded to NPAC ready for the next container bound for Africa.

The Inner Wheel Charter lunch in October at Ye Olde Bell will be celebrating over 75 years of Retford Inner Wheel with the theme ‘An Afternoon at the Races’. All will be wearing their best frocks and hats for what will be a most enjoyable occasion.

Retford Inner Wheel Club meets at Ye Olde Bell on the second Thursday of every month, 5.30pm for 6.00pm, and visitors are always made most welcome. For further information email