Retford Inner Wheel Club is hosting a coffee morning from 10.00am to 12.00pm on Saturday 11th March at Grove Street Chapel. Do go along, have a chat and a coffee and find out more about the Club and what they do.
Any monies raised at the coffee morning are to be used to buy items such as nappies and soap for the baby bundles. Members recently packed 25 baby bundles, which are now on their way to Malawi in the NPAC (National Police Aid Convoy) container.
This month the group has also supported InterCare (based in Leicester) with stamps, foreign currency and knitted items. They too are sending a container to Malawi packed with medical items for the five hospitals InterCare supports there.
The Inner Wheel also has a team swimming in the Rotary Swimathon; the money raised from this is to go to a local charity.
Members are looking forward to meeting you at the coffee morning!