Inner Wheel Club of Retford

by | 9 February 2023 | Inner Wheel, Retford, Social Group

Retford Inner Wheel Club is very pleased to have supported the Wednesday Group, which meets at Hallcroft Methodist Church every week.

The money was raised by club members donating money rather than giving each other Christmas cards – and Jan Williamson was delighted to accept the cheque presented by President Marie Gibson, Val Layton and Dot Bastow. They had a most enjoyable time as well as a lunch.

The Wednesday Group meets weekly and welcomes anyone with memory problems and their friends, family and carers.

In the coming weeks the Retford club is looking forward to taking part in the District Quiz – a fun and enjoyable event where all the local Inner Wheel clubs enter a team (or even two teams!). There are 20 clubs in Inner Wheel District 22, which covers Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

The Club has also delivered several ‘joy bags’ to NPAC for delivery to Zambia in the next container. A ‘joy bag’ is an attractive small bag or handbag filled with special treats for the ladies. This can be an assortment that includes hairbrushes, combs, hair ornaments, toothpaste and toothbrush, jewellery, new pants and socks, shampoo, moisturising lotion, body wash, sewing kits etc. A whole array of items that go towards making a special and personal treat.

Members are looking forward to seeing photos of the ladies receiving their gifts.