Illuminate 2020

by | 29 October 2020 | Community Event, Community Focus, Heritage, Retford, Worksop

The Pilgrim Roots project is encouraging people in North Nottinghamshire and beyond to put a light in their windows on 26th November as a sign of thankfulness, solidarity and hope.
Their usual lantern parades and Illuminate workshops for the Thanksgiving season cannot go ahead this year, but community spirit can still be shared through the display of light in homes across the region. Simple candles, lamps and fairy lights in windows will all be welcome; or if you feel like getting creative flip to the centre pages of the magazine for a silhouette that can be cut out and decorate a jam jar, milk carton or other container. Even more ideas and craft templates can be found by visiting
Share your light on social media with the hashtag #OneSmallCandle, in honour of our region’s famous son William Bradford. Bradford, who was from Austerfield near Doncaster and travelled on the Mayflower, wrote: ‘As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many’.
We’re joining together in spirit to show that the light still shines in the Pilgrim Roots region.