As the days lengthen and the weather warms up, thoughts turn to getting gardens into shape. For those looking for inspiration or guidance, Clays Gardening Club’s monthly meetings offer a wealth of ideas.
March’s meeting, on Monday 17th, will focus on ‘A Patch of Grass or a Beautiful Lawn?’ with horticultural broadcaster, lecturer, and writer Howard Drury providing insights into creating and maintaining the perfect lawn. In April, herbalist Trudi Norris will share her expertise on medicinal herbs, while on Monday 19th May, Don Witton will explore ‘Euphorbias and Other Vibrant Perennials’.
Following the success of last year’s Open Gardens Day, the club is once again inviting residents of North and South Wheatley and Sturton-le-Steeple to open their gardens to the public on Sunday 8th June. There is no requirement to be a garden club member or have the perfect plot – some of the most interesting gardens belong to ordinary people who simply care for their outdoor space. Whether it is a patio, courtyard, wildlife area, or a traditional lawn and borders, there is always something for visitors to enjoy and learn from. For more information, contact Sharon on 07941 142848.
Looking ahead, the club’s annual garden-themed holiday – a four-day visit to North Yorkshire – will take in six stunning gardens. There are also planned trips to Audbourn Hall Gardens on Wednesday 28th May, David Austin Roses on Monday 7th July, and the RHS Garden at Wentworth Woodhouse on Friday 18th July.
For those interested in learning more, Clays Gardening Club can be found on Facebook and Instagram (@Clays Gardening Club), or contact Christine on 07572 262172. The first meeting is free to attend.