Clarborough Village Hall

by | 17 April 2021 | Community facility, Retford

Looking for a modern, accessible and attractive venue for parties or other events? Look no further than Clarborough, just a stone’s throw from Retford on the A620 towards Gainsborough. Clarborough Village Hall’s entrance is directly opposite the Kings Arms on Main Street. The building is set back from the road with a large car park to the rear, easy access and modern facilities. The building has been subject to ongoing upgrade with, most recently, a completely refurbished floor to the main hall.

An extensive weekly programme of events form the backbone of the Hall’s community service — along with a regular resident Post Office. However, we do have slots available for children’s parties and other such events at weekends, so why not get in touch — our rates are surprisingly reasonable!

For more, or to book, contact: 07530 532185.