Clarborough and District WI

by | 4 February 2025 | Retford, Social Group, WI

With frequent promises of snow at the start of 2025, it is especially pleasant to look forward to longer and sunnier days.

January saw Clarborough and District WI welcome Reverend Mark Cantrill, who shared insights about shirt making, and in February, they will be welcoming Lesley Taylor, who will be ‘Talking Rubbish’. In March, the long-awaited return of Ralf Schweinem will recount the story of Tunnel 57.

The meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in the Village Hall at Clarborough, starting at 2.00pm. Everyone is invited to go along and join the friendly group of ladies. A charge of £5.00 is made, which includes refreshments (usually home-baked cake) and a raffle ticket.

The group looks forward to seeing you.