How quickly time passes. Clarborough and District WI has had a good year so far, retaining all their members and enjoying their birthday meeting in June followed by a trip to Hook in East Yorkshire to their twin group. More summer activities include a belated birthday celebration lunch at the West Retford Hotel in August, and their regular informal coffee mornings.
9th September will see the return of Ralf Schweinem to tell the group about Tunnel 57 – this follows on from his talk about the Berlin Wall. Then 14th October is the date of the group’s Harvest Supper with social evening and bring and buy.
On 11th November, they welcome Kevin Lennox who will talk about Western Canada including the Rockies National Park.
Meetings are held in the Halford Room at Clarborough Village Hall and start at 2.00pm. A charge is made for entry, which includes refreshments and a raffle ticket. If you have any further queries, please contact Lucy Richardson on 07966 452249.