Bassetlaw Twinning Association

by | 15 January 2023 | Group meeting, Heritage, Retford, Social Group

Bassetlaw Twinning Association’s AGM will take place on Monday 30th January at 7.00pm at Grey Horses Public House, Carlton in Lindrick.

The Association has had a quiet year due mainly to the impact of COVID. They are, however, hoping to start exchanges again and are planning to receive visitors from Aurillac in the summer of 2023.

Although they have not had an active exchange this year, members have been busy on Zoom calls with our twin towns in Aurillac (France) as well as Pfungstat and Garbsen (Germany). All are very eager to restart the hosting exchanges. The Association look forward to hosting visitors and showing off the many beautiful areas in Bassetlaw and the surrounding areas.
The Association has had events for members which have included a meal out together and a very successful afternoon learning to play Petanque, courtesy of the Bassetlaw Petanque group.

They are looking forward to 2023 and will be planning more events for members as well as welcoming guests from Aurillac. They are always interested in welcoming new members. If you would like further information please contact Sue Dawson, Vice Chair, on 01909 486821.