October is typically a lively month, with autumn leaves, vibrant colours, pumpkins, and Halloween. The Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK’s programme for the month promises to be equally active.
The meeting on Tuesday 1st October will feature a welcome return from Ann Featherstone, who will entertain members with the amusing history of pantomime.
The popular Carers’ Corner on Wednesday 23rd October offers carers the chance to meet at The Aurora Centre for tea and cakes, where they can share experiences, swap tips, and enjoy some friendly conversation.
The Branch’s weekly activities, including seated exercise classes, singing for wellbeing, and indoor bowling, continue as usual.
On a more serious note, the Branch is seeking a new treasurer. The role is not particularly demanding, and it offers the chance to enjoy fun, friendship, and support with other members. For more details about the role and the Branch’s many benefits, please call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.