Members of the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK wish all readers a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
The first meeting of 2023 is Tuesday 3rd January at 2.00pm, at Worksop Cricket Club, Central Avenue, S80 1EN. Here there will be a fun auction and Pilates demonstration.
A varied programme is prepared for the year with trips, lunches and theatre outings featuring prominently.
New members will be warmly welcomed on arrival and introduced to the group. Refreshments, fun raffles and a speaker make up the meetings, with time to chat and swap tips and experiences with fellow members.
The year’s first lunch club meeting is on Tuesday 17th January at The Lockkeeper, Worksop at 12.00pm. Always very popular and well attended.
For more about the Branch and its many activities, please call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.