A Plan, a Pasture and an Owl

by | 30 November 2022 | Environment, Retford, Wildlife

The November presentation to Nottinghamshire Environmental Association members was, as usual, given at the new venue of Hallcroft Community Centre, starting at 7.30pm on Thursday 3rd November.

Association Chairman, Paul Willcock, had named the talk ‘A Plan, A Pasture and an Owl’ as it followed the progress of a Neighbourhood Development Plan from its inception to one of several outcomes.

He outlined how Planning in England takes place, from the National Planning Policy Framework through the Local Plan (recently completed by Bassetlaw District Council and currently going through Examination) to how local areas can affect the planning which takes around them.

He spoke specifically about the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) for Clarborough and Welham, the large amounts and consultation and the adoption of the plan to become Planning Law applying to the Parish.

One of the central Policies of the NP was the transfer of 5.25 acres of land from Bassetlaw District Council to Clarborough and Welham Parish Council. This land was named the Parish Pasture by the Parish Council and was divided into three main areas: Allotments, Community Orchard and an Open Green Space, which occupies four acres. They have all been successfully managed including letting allotments out, planting tree whips, planting 20 apple varieties and wildflowers and installing an owl box.

The speaker thanked all the organisations and local people which have financed projects or given their time to the development of the Parish Pasture. The fee for the talk has been donated to Cancer Research UK for work into Prostate Cancer.

The final indoor event for 2022 will take place on Thursday 1st December – an Environmental Quiz organized by Adrian Blackburn, which will be followed by Christmas nibbles and drinks.

Membership is open to anyone who wishes to turn up. Fees are £10.00 for the year with an additional £2.00 for each of the indoor talks. This includes tea, coffee and biscuits.

For further information please contact adrian.blackburn@sky.com or paul@paulwillcock.com.