The Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest

by | 17 November 2021 | Community Focus, Local Experiences, Sherwood, Social Group, Support Group

In September the Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest held its Charity Golf Day at Rufford Park Golf Club. It was a brilliant day with good weather, 17 teams and a course which was in great condition.
Many thanks to Jones and Co Solicitors who continue to support this event. With their help the event this year raised over £2,000 for local projects.
Thanks also to all the local businesses and individuals who sponsored holes on the day and those who donated to the raffle. It was truly a community effort from which local projects will benefit.
Finally, a big thank you to Rufford Park Golf and Country Club who were amazing hosts.
Support for local projects has already begun, so if you are looking for support please get in touch at
The first weekend of October saw the annual District Conference which this year was held online. There were some excellent speakers who gave some ideas in how to expand the Club’s work locally and nationally. Some of the Club gathered at Laxton Village Hall for the event, which proved to be a wonderful venue.
Unfortunately, the Proms Concert will not go ahead this year as there is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding indoor public performances. They are, however, hoping to arrange a community concert early in 2022.
The Sherwood Forest Rotary Club has changed its structure, in that it meets in a variety of venues and has thus become more accessible for new members. To find out more please contact the above email address and you will be invited to one of their evenings to meet Rotarians and find out what the Club does. There are also opportunities for Corporate Membership if your company would like to become more involved in the community.
At the end of September there was a social evening for members and partners. A meal and a chat with no business on the agenda proved to be a relaxed evening for everyone. This is part of the Club’s way forward and is proving very popular.
Hopefully the Club will see many of you in the run-up to Christmas and if you would to join, please get in touch.