At a club meeting in January Retford Lions hosted the people and helpers from various organisations who helped with Santa’s Sleigh visits made prior to Christmas. Several individuals who had helped and members of the following organisations including; 1st Ordsall Brownies, Cannon District Guides, Forget Me Nots Dementia group, Sutton-Cum-Lound and Barnby Moor Gardening Club, District Life Savers and 7th Retford Scouts, were all present at a brief social event when Retford Lions President John Collins thanked them all.
In the interim, Lions are busy preparing the sales forms to sell ‘ducks’ for the races to be held on Charter Day this year — more about duck races next month.
More grateful thanks from Lions
A little while ago Retford Lions provided a special tricycle for a disabled boy. They were pleased when Richard Carr, of Bike Pedlars Retford, stepped in to support, providing sound advice, sourcing and building the bike and delivering to the home of the family. Richard offered to maintain the bike free of charge and suggested that when it was no longer required he would refurbish it for another person when needed.
This bike has now been returned. Richard once again stepped in — he collected and refurbished it making it possible for Retford Lions to provide it to another disabled person.
This is a shining example of community spirit and generosity. Retford Lions are very grateful to Richard for his kindness and support to those most in need in our community.
If you know of anyone who would benefit from having a three-wheeler trike suitable from child to adult, please get in touch with Retford Lions at 01777 706006.