Les Francophiles de Tickhill

by | 19 February 2021 | Hobbies, Social Group

French style fun and food is the hallmark of Les Francophiles de Tickhill’s annual Fête de Noël, to be celebrated on Wednesday 5th December at 7.30pm, at the Parish Room, Tickhill DN11 9HZ. If you wish to attend as a visitor (charge £3.00), please take a contribution of food and let the group know in advance that you are going.

On Wednesday 9th January (a week later than normal), members shall welcome a well-known local member, Rosemary Chappell, who will speak in English about ‘Le rêve français du Panama’, explaining how the inspiration for the construction of the Panama Canal originated in France.

Meanwhile, the group wishes you Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année. For further details contact Jan Murray on 07463 007789.