What’s on at Retford Library

by | 31 August 2018 | Community Event, Heritage, Hobbies, Library

Brand New Tabletop Gaming Day
Saturday 1st September, 10.00am to 3.00pm
The worlds of libraries and table-top gaming collide as Retford Library invites you to join them on the first Saturday of every month for a day of board game fun. Tickets cost £2.00 per person, £3.00 for two people or £4.00 for a family of four.

Retford Library Author Group
Tuesday 4th September, 4.00pm to 6.00pm
This is the first official engagement of this new group. Three of the members, published authors Lesley Keating, Robert Tansey and Barry Upton will be available to chat and answer questions about their writing, works and inspiration. Refreshments will be provided. Further details are available from Barry Upton on 01777 707068 or barlinnie712@gmail.com.

Retford Library’s Crime Café presents: An Afternoon of Cinema
Thursday 6th September, 2.00pm
Tickets cost £1.00, to include popcorn and booking is advised.

Story Explorers: Under the Sea
Friday 7th September, 2.00pm
A magical storytelling journey for you and your little one. In association with Nottingham Playhouse, this is an adventure designed especially for children aged two to five and their families. This event is free but places are limited so booking is essential. Book your place online at www.inspireculture.org.uk/explorers.

Heritage Day — Victorian Retford — A talk by Harry Foxley.
Saturday 8th September, 2.30pm
A repeat of Mr Foxley’s previous sell out talk. Tickets are free, but booking is essential.

Summer Reading Challenge
Saturday 8th September, 9.30am to 11.00am
‘Mischief Makers’ comes to an end on Saturday 8th September — don’t miss out on all the rewards for reading over the summer holidays. Join in a special badge making session and other games from 9.30am to 11.00am.

Retford Library’s Poetry Café celebrates National Poetry Day 2018 with two special events:

  • Monday 1st October, 2.00pm to 3.30pm
    Share a poem on the National Poetry Day theme of Change or simply enjoy listening to others at the informal Poetry Café! If you wish to have your chosen poem included in a booklet, please provide the title by 19th September. Booking is advised. Tickets cost £1.00, to include refreshments.
  • Thursday 4th October, 7.00pm
    Hardy’s Jude and Larkin’s Jill — A comparison by Rob White.
    Rob previously gave a well-received talk comparing Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles with DH Lawrence’s The Virgin and the Gipsy as stories about two young women stepping out into the world. Now he looks at Jude the Obscure and Larkin’s early novel Jill as examples of two young men’s experiences of Oxford. Tickets cost £2.00, to include a glass of wine. Booking is essential.

Author Visit – Crime Author Sarah Ward
Wednesday 10th October, 2.00pm to 3.30pm

For further information about any of these events please contact Retford Library on 01777 708724 or retford.library@inspireculture.org.uk