Wheatley Local and Family History Society

by | 22 June 2021 | Gainsborough, Heritage, Hobbies

Wheatley Local and Family History Society are planning to restart their activities following the planned re-opening of their village hall in late May. Neither the Society nor its Research Group has been able to meet this year so far, but upcoming meetings have now been scheduled.
The first proposed dates for the Family Research Group are Wednesdays 9th June and 14th July, both at the Village Hall in South Wheatley starting at 2.00pm. They are also looking at having a Local History Group meeting with a speaker on Monday 19th July starting at 10.00am, also at the Village Hall in South Wheatley.
Up-to-date information can be found on their website, www.Wheatleyhistory.co.uk, and on Facebook under ‘Wheatley FHG’ or by calling Dave on 01427 880934. The website also has a ‘contact us’ facility should you want more information or have any questions about the groups’ activities. Members can also always obtain assistance on their research of family roots or village history by emailing or a phone call to the same number.