The West Lindsey Dementia Support Group

by | 25 April 2022 | Gainsborough, Group meeting, Social Group, Support Group

The West Lindsey Dementia Support Group is dedicated to there to provide help and support to people with dementia and their carers in the Gainsborough area.

They meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Methodist Church in Gainsborough, where they rent the room and kitchen.

They provide free refreshments and organise activities for the group and have organised coach trips (curtailed due to Covid, but they hope to restart trips as soon as they can).

Meetings are free, so if anybody wants to go along, do get in touch with either Jean Male on 01427 613033 or Mavis Wharton on 01777 816751. You can also check out their Facebook page to see what they do.

Being a carer of someone with dementia can be both isolating and challenging, and those who run the group have first-hand experience of the challenges. Please don’t hesitate to contact them.