The joy of tarts

by | 30 May 2023 | Gainsborough, Social Group, WI

The Lea Women’s Institute has been liberated with the joyous news that it’s not cheating to use a food processor to make pastry! A demonstration given by Linda Hewett ( shows that it is possible to make, bake and enjoy many delicious treats in a matter of minutes without the fuss or faff.

More culinary delights were enjoyed when Lea WI held a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money for this valuable cause with the sale of delicious cakes and bacon butties.

But it doesn’t all happen at the Lea Village Hall. The ladies ventured on their first excursion of the year to International Bomber Command where this world-class facility serves as a point of recognition, remembrance, and reconciliation.

Further afield to Market Rasen, The Lincolnshire North Federation of Women’s Institutes held a Science Day. Talks on Antibiotics and The Lincolnshire Wetlands stirred an educated response and the Quiz Night in Saxilby tested everyone’s game plan.

The next event is planned on Thursday 1st June when it’s off to The Spotted Dog Flower Company in Blyton. It will be an opportunity to smell the roses when touring the nursery and watching a demonstration.

Recent Lea WI newcomer Jill Martin said of the group: “I can’t believe how much there is on offer. In the short time I have been a member, I have been on numerous trips, I have learnt new skills and next month I am going gliding!”

For more information, contact Jackie Summers on 01427 615382 or