Retford and District Photographic Society’s new season approaches

by | 8 September 2024 | Gainsborough, Hobbies

Retford and District Photographic Society’s club meetings resume for the new season in St Joseph’s Hall, Babworth Road, Retford at 7.30pm on Monday 2nd September.

There will be a slightly different look to the programme this year with some Zoom meetings. Members will be invited to the Hall to enjoy the social time and refreshments, while thanks to the Hall’s new wi-fi, they will watch the presentation together.

During the Covid difficulties, clubs discovered that great speakers from all parts of the country had become available without the issues of travel time and costs. It is now common to continue taking advantage of this opportunity.

Along with Zoom and in-person speakers there will be the Society’s competitions, the first two of which have no set topic, so it is an ideal opportunity for new or long-standing members to enter their best images.

The first speaker of the season will be Malcolm Sales, with ‘Smartphone Photography’. Not long ago this was a taboo subject in clubs, but with improvements in technology and always having a phone to hand, more people who previously used a DSLR for their ‘serious’ photos are using their phones.

The programme so far includes John Bolloten, with his talk on ‘Margins’ and Phil Savoie on with ‘Principles of Photography’ via Zoom. Karen Thorburn, also via Zoom, will discuss ‘Scottish Landscapes and Wedding Photography’.Retford members always enjoy wildlife photography, and there will be talks by Richard Baines of Yorkshire Wildlife and Tracey Lund.

During the season they have ‘Show and Tell’ evenings. The first of these sessions will be in September and the subject is ‘3 Strangers’.
The club welcomes new members at any time, although the start of the season is a particularly good time. If you are new to the area, newly retired with time to fill or have discovered a passion for photography, they would be pleased to see you. Guests can attend for three sessions paying the guest rate of £5.00 before committing to membership.

They meet at St Joseph’s Hall, Babworth Road, Retford at 7.30pm every Monday throughout the season until the end of April 2025. See for information about the club and the new season programme.