Lindsey u3a (Welton)

by | 3 March 2025 | Education and Learning, Gainsborough, Hobbies, Social Group, U3A

Lindsey u3a embraces the movement’s core principles: Learn, Laugh and Live, ensuring there is something for every member. From academic study and creative pursuits to sports and pastimes, u3a connects people with shared interests and skills. Members can participate as much or as little as they wish. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend a meeting, where a warm welcome and an introduction to what’s on offer await.

Lindsey u3a meets at Welton Village Hall, usually on the first Thursday of the month. Visitors are welcome to attend without obligation. Doors open at 9.45am for tea and coffee, followed by a speaker at 10.30am. Those attending for the first time should inform reception, where one of the friendly greeters will provide a tour and answer any questions.

On Thursday 6th March, the short Annual General Meeting will begin at 10.15am. The organisation is run by a committee of volunteers, supported by group leaders and helpers. Anyone can offer assistance, whether by making refreshments or setting up chairs before meetings.

The AGM will be followed by a talk from Malcolm Ross on the Lucy Tower Graves. Lincoln Castle’s Lucy Tower, originally built over a thousand years ago, became a burial ground in the early 19th century. The graves of prisoners hanged at the castle still remain – Malcolm will share the intriguing stories behind them.

On Thursday 3rd April, Joy Wood will speak about her Journey from Nursing to Author. Having worked as a nurse for 40 years, she has since become a successful writer, crediting her morning walks along Cleethorpes seafront as inspiration for her novels.

Lindsey u3a offers various interest groups, run by members for members. Further details can be found at Additionally, u3a members can access online talks, workshops and courses via

For those unable to attend general meetings, an informal coffee morning is held at the Gardeners’ Retreat tearoom at Scothern Nurseries at 10.15am on the fourth Thursday of the month. The next gathering will be on Thursday 27th March – newcomers and existing members alike are welcome to enjoy a cuppa, a scone, and a chat.

For further details, please contact Mandy Murphy on 01673 565295 or email