Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust – Gainsborough Area Group

by | 30 March 2024 | Gainsborough, Wildlife

The meeting of the Gainsborough Area Group of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust on Wednesday 17th April will see Geoff Trinder, President of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, present his talk ‘Wildlife of Lincolnshire and Beyond’. It will be preceded by the AGM.

The group’s indoor meetings are held at St Stephen’s Methodist Church (DN21 2DP) and begin at 7.30pm. Entrance is from Roseway car park. Members and non-members, adults and children are equally welcome and entrance is by donation (minimum £2.50pp). There will be an interval with refreshments and raffle tickets for sale at £1.00 each. Donations for raffle prizes (non-alcoholic) are most welcome.

On Saturday 27th April the group will enjoy the Dawn Chorus, led by Brian Hedley. This meet starts at 5.30am at Kettlethorpe Church, and is obviously weather-dependent.

For more information on any of the above, contact Dan Bardsley on