The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Gainsborough Area Group was founded in 1975. It arranges six indoor meetings a year on topics of interest to local members and several outdoor meetings over the summer at places with special wildlife themes. The spring 2018 schedule is:
- 21st February — Members are off on a virtual expedition ‘Finding Wild Places’ with the Trust’s Senior Communications Officer Rachel Shaw.
- 21st March — Buckets, spades and sunhats at the ready? Geoff Lee’s illustrated presentation on ‘The Yorkshire Coast’ will fill members’ minds with deeper thoughts than just cherished memories of a day trip to the seaside.
- 25th April — Annual General Meeting, quickly followed by speaker for the evening Geoff Trinder, the Lincs Wildlife Trust Vice President. The topic is to be arranged, but from previous experience it will be an evening of great interest.
All indoor meetings are held at Morton Village Hall (postcode DN21 3AL) and begin at 7.30pm. Members, non-members, adults and children are equally welcome. Admission is by donation (minimum £1.50 which includes tea/coffee and biscuits). A raffle, sales table and bird food sales (please pre-order) is also available. Volunteers to help serve refreshments and clear away afterwards are very much appreciated. For more information call the programme secretary Joy Bannister on 01427 628457, email or see