Visit Gainsborough Model Railway, The Clubrooms, Florence Terrace, Gainsborough DN21 1BE during 2018. Open days will be held on Saturday 31st March, Sunday 1st April, Monday 2nd April, Saturday 16th June, Sunday 22nd July, Saturday 25th August, Sunday 26th August, Monday 27th August, Sunday 7th October, Sunday 2nd December, Saturday 29th December and Sunday 30th December.

At the open days see the society’s large O Gauge Model Railway based on the East Coast Mainline from Leeds to London Kings Cross in the days of steam. Admission costs £4.00 adults, £3.00 children and £10.00 for a family ticket. Mondays are also club nights throughout the year.

These days are a nostalgic, historical and colourful opportunity to see how the London and North Eastern Railway were run in the heyday of steam. Dozens of trains, formed from over 180 locomotives and over 400 items of rolling stock, will be running on a total of over half a mile of track.

For further information call B Hodkinson on 01427 610475, email or see