Gainsborough u3a

by | 6 December 2023 | Education and Learning, Gainsborough, Hobbies, Social Group, U3A

Breaking news: The last Gainsborough u3a buccaneer has just managed to tunnel his way out of Lincoln Escape Room! It was a struggle, but all three groups have finally made it out (though none in the expected time).

Given the combined IQ of the three groups it was a bit of a disappointment! One group blamed the lack of light in the room and the need to work on a tiny map of London. A second group managed to find a light switch but was confused by having to blow out candles which they had been told not to go near. The third group was unable to come up with a decent excuse. What made it worse was that the café at the venue was closed – regular readers will know that this is a disaster for any u3a event!

Other than this it has been a routine time for all the other groups, though some were severely hit by the dreadful weather we have suffered.

The October talk was just as much fun as expected. November’s meeting was ‘Great Dramas from Auntie’.

Arrangements for the Christmas Party on 14th December are in hand. This meeting will start at 10.00am exactly, but no refreshments until 10.45am. The cost is £3.00 per ticket, which needs to be bought in advance. The event will finish about 11.50am so that a two-hour parking ticket will be fine.

Within the committee there have been problems due to ill health and volunteers are needed from within the membership to keep the group going during the next year.

Many members will know that the national u3a organisation is going through a difficult period. At the AGM in October last year there was an uprising from groups throughout the country about central costs and a budget was not passed. One of the outcomes of this was a ‘grass roots’ chair’s open forum on Zoom, which has tried to get suggestions to help struggling groups.

It seems that Gainsborough u3a’s position is far from unique. It has been pointed out that the u3a is an organisation run for and by its members, and that all members do have a responsibility to help. Most successful groups seem to have deputies for each post and the idea of volunteering to help seems to be second nature. For more information see