Gainsborough Heritage Association

by | 29 November 2020 | Gainsborough, Heritage

The festive season is almost upon us once again, although Christmas plans will be minimal this year. 2020 is certainly a time we will never ever forget and a year that will go into the history books. It has been a year of uncertainty, and like many museums Gainsborough Heritage Centre has remained closed since March.

No one is sure how long it will be until they can open the doors once again, but their dedicated volunteers have still been working behind closed doors – sorting, cataloguing, researching, posting and sharing photos on their Facebook page. They hope you have been viewing those and they sincerely hope that you will continue to support them during 2021 by renewing your memberships which are due in January.

Gainsborough Heritage Association is a registered charity run by dedicated volunteers who strive to keep the centre up and running. They rely heavily on your generosity to fund the running costs of the lovely building and to make sure Gainsborough’s past is kept alive, so if you are not a member would you please consider joining and supporting them? The membership fee is just £15.00 for 12 months and allows unlimited visits, use of their research room with friendly staff on hand to give you help and advice, plus you get a discount in their shop full of books, DVDs and memorabilia and money off refreshments in the cosy Exchange tea room. It really is a small price to pay to support the wonderful Gainsborough Heritage Centre.

Incidentally, they are always on the look out for new, dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers to join their friendly team. So, if you have time on your hands and it appeals to you don’t hesitate to contact them for an application form at 22 North Street, Gainsborough DN21 2HS, or email Last but not least, they would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy festive season. Be sensible, think positive, stay safe and look forward to a brighter 2021.