Gainsborough Blues Club

by | 11 October 2019 | Gainsborough, Music

There may be still time to order your New Year’s Eve tickets for the two great acts lined up by Gainsborough Blues Club. The Sound Injectors will be supported by Taylor Soul, rounded off by Dave Brewer’s disco, for an unbelievable £20.00.

Due to demand for these great charity fundraising events, it’s not always possible to fit everyone in that would like to attend, especially on New Year’s Eve, so the organisers at the club, fondly known as ‘The Boys’, have been organising more events to give everyone the chance to attend some of the popular evenings. They also have the system of the more events you attend through the year, the better chance you have of getting tickets for the climax of the year — the New Year’s Eve event.

The next events will be Soulintension on Saturday 19th October and Union Gap on Saturday 9th November, with another regular always requested, The Divided Trio on Saturday 23rd November, supported by Steve Clements. All events have a disco and tickets are only £6.00 for yet another full night’s worth of entertainment. Refreshments are cheap and you’ll be in great company, so please order your tickets as soon as you can.

Of course, The Boys at the Blues Club couldn’t do it without your help and support, they are grateful once more for all the raffle prizes and urge people to continue to donate for the charity nights. The organisers are hoping to select some local charities to help in the very near future, look out for further details in future editions. The club already has some great acts lined up for 2020, so look out in the next edition for details.

Ordering in advance helps the organisers to reserve your table and sort the table plan in advance. You can follow the club on Facebook and get your tickets from Baz on 07931 762159 or Steve on 07759 945194 or John on 07508 320243 or Hank on 07931 714069.