At Gainsborough and District u3a’s last meeting there was an excellent talk from Kenneth Moore on the Dicken Medal, which is the V.C. for animals.
Naturally, Kenneth had an interested audience from the outset as everyone loves stories about animals. His delivery was first class and he had everyone laughing with him as he told of the various stories behind the award of these medals. Members were all somewhat surprised that they had even taught dogs to parachute.
Kenneth has been invited back next year, so remember the name if you want to hear an interesting talk. He also does tours at the Cathedral and at the RAF Bomber memorial in Lincoln.
The theatre visit to the Lincoln Theatre Royal on Saturday 29th October was a great success. A party of 10 was given a full history of the theatre and then a tour of the whole building. This was fascinating and the most interesting area was probably at the top of the building where members stood on the ropes which work the fly sheets; there seemed to be miles of ropes!
The guide, the stage manager, was clearly one of a few able to cope with working the system. It certainly appeared to be quite a task, especially at pantomime time. Members were then taken up to the ‘Gods’ and it was explained how much work has been done to renovate this area.
The Kurling competition was a success, and the final was decided on the last stone of the 8th end. Congratulations to Anne Humphrey and Janet Hart for their victory. Following all this excitement was a well-deserved lunch at the Golf Club.
The Harewood trip to see the Christmas decorations can still be joined (contact the group via their website). They leave from the Leisure Centre at 9.00am on Wednesday 7th December.
The meeting on Thursday 8th December at Gainsborough Methodist Church is a Christmas party and entry is by ticket only, bought in advance from the u3a.