Financial wellbeing charities to get extra boost

by | 31 January 2019 | Citizens Advice, Gainsborough, Local Charity

Financial wellbeing charities and groups tackling issues like debt management will benefit from thousands of pounds in a fundraising campaign by Lincolnshire Co-op. Anyone can face money difficulties, and this can have a knock-on effect on health and wellbeing. To help address this and to increase awareness Lincolnshire Co-op is raising money for groups that offer support to those facing financial hardship and need advice.

Several charities including Lincolnshire Credit Union, local Citizens Advice branches, Lincs2Advice, Acts Trust Debt Advice and more will be supported through the Society’s Community Champions scheme from now until March.
Lincolnshire Co-op’s Community and Education Co-ordinator Ben James said: “It could be by tackling issues like debt and payday loans, encouraging safe borrowing or helping people access the money they’re entitled to — these groups help in all sorts of ways.”

According to Citizens Advice, 22% of households in the UK ‘constantly struggle’ to keep up with bills and payments.
“Debt and financial worry can affect anyone and the money advice and support services we’re raising funds for are way to help worried families,” added Ben.

“They are there when times get tough and can offer advice, expertise and affordable services. We hope that fundraising together we can recognise the work these groups do and enable them to help more people.”

A donation will be made every time a member shops in Lincolnshire Co-op stores using their dividend card. And colleague fundraising and proceeds from the carrier bag levy will go into the pot too.

Lincolnshire Financial Inclusion Partnership Chair Katy Roberts, said: “I am delighted that Lincolnshire Co-op will be fundraising for charities and groups across Greater Lincolnshire that help people with their financial wellbeing.
“Not only will this funding support organisations financially, we hope that by raising the profile of the work they do this will break down some of the stigmas around addressing money issues.

“The nominated Community Champions help people to deal with debt, claim the money that they are entitled to, borrow safely and start to save. With the support of Lincolnshire Co-op more resources will be available to help those most at need.”