Riverside Indoor Bowls is now a charity so as well as applying for money from big businesses they will be holding local events to raise funds to enable them to build a new indoor bowls hall in Gainsborough to replace the one that they had. They are hoping for support from bowlers and members of the public.
Their next event is a Delvers Gainsborough Slide Show on Thursday 4th April, at the Blues Club, Northolme, Gainsborough. Thelma Childs is an encyclopaedia of knowledge and she will take everyone through the old scenes — some going back 100 years. There is usually a lot of discussion as they reminisce. It starts at 7.00pm. and admission is £3.50. There will be an intermission to buy drinks.
On Sunday 7th April, the charity will be holding another table top sale at Morton Village Hall. Their last one was very successful and was supported overwhelmingly by the public and bowlers. Their total for the afternoon’s work was £320.
Please call 01427 614682 for enquiries if you have any suggestions for fundraising or are interested in joining their bowling membership or fundraising committee.