Wheatley Village Hall is there for all the community and is available for hire for clubs, hobby groups, and parties.
Hire rates are £12.00 per hour for the main hall and £8.50 for the committee room. These rates are fully inclusive and include kitchen facilities, stage with stage curtain and lighting, audio visual system with overhead projector and screen, full sound system, Wi-Fi etc.
If you’d like to make a booking for a special occasion or to run a regular club or group, please contact Kerry at NWVHbooking@gmail.com.
The village hall team organises a wide and varied programme of events and entertainment throughout the year. In the near future they will be holding another popular Quiz Night (date to be confirmed), followed on 4th March by ‘An Evening at the Races’.
Organisers are delighted to announce that Saturday 15th April sees the return of the brilliant husband and wife duo, Jonny and Lynnette.
For further information contact Alan on 07961 842287 or visit www.wheatleyvillagehall.org.uk.