Village Harmony are overjoyed to be singing together again after 18 months of COVID restrictions. They have welcomed some new members who have made quite a difference to the harmonies the choir now produce.
They went full steam ahead with a concert at the end of September, which took place in Clarborough Parish Church called ‘Music for a Lazy Sunday Afternoon’. They sang straight through their programme with no midbreak to comply with distancing. It was so pleasing to be singing with an audience and both the choir and listeners enjoyed the afternoon.
They are now rehearsing their Christmas programme which kicks off with a concert at St Paul’s Church, Morton, Gainsborough on Saturday 27th November at 7.30pm.
On Sunday 5th December they will be singing a full concert at Sturton Village Hall, starting at 2.00pm with mulled wine and mince pies. Proceeds will go to a local children’s charity.
Then Friday 10th December sees them at Hayton Parish Church taking part in a Christmas miscellany. They will be joining Worksop Salvation Army Band at St John the Baptist Church Clarborough for another celebration of Christmas music at Saturday 11th December at 7.00pm.
For more details and tickets for the Sturton concert please get in touch with any member of Village Harmony, or call Ginny Massey on 07803 586734 or June Anderson on 01777 704134. Tickets will also be available at Retford Arts Hub. Find out more at