We may have said goodbye to the hedgehogs and lots more of our wild garden friends until next spring, but there are still exciting wildlife experiences to be had.
If you’ve never been to Donna Nook, it’s definitely the place to go in November. Towards the end of October, grey seals come ashore to give birth to their pups; they are gorgeous with their white coats and big, dark eyes. The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust takes care of the site and maintains a fence between the path and the seals so people can safely walk quite close to the young ones without causing too much stress or putting themselves in danger. Last year the site was closed for COVID so it could well be very busy this year, but do go if you can.
Another lovely winter wildlife sight is a flock of waxwings – look out for them feeding in trees and shrubs bearing red berries. They have even been spotted at Meadowhall, stripping the berries from the cotoneasters in the car park!
If you would like to receive email updates of the North Notts Local Group of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s activities, you can contact Jan on 01777 709974 or 07969 180067, or email janwilliamson133@gmail.com.