Choose the world you want for this year’s Fairtrade Festival

by | 20 February 2022 | Business, Community Focus, Environment, Retford

21st February to 6th March 2022

Let’s be optimistic and take the opportunity this Fairtrade Fortnight to support the farmers on the frontline of the climate crisis. How can we do that?

First, it’s important to know who we are supporting and why. Many farmers who own land or work on farms in developing countries are controlled by large companies who look after their own interests first. They pay those producing crops or working to harvest them a very limited wage. And often force them to work in dangerous conditions. This means the companies make a huge profit but those doing the main work on growing and harvesting crops are denied a minimum wage and are given minimal support to deal with climate change effects.

At 2021’s COP 26 Climate Conference over 33,000 campaigners joined 1.8m Fairtrade farmers and workers in backing the ‘Be Fair With Your Climate Promise’ challenge’to world leaders. Though frustration followed as the wealthiest nations failed to recognise the urgent need to invest in farmer expertise by delaying their promised $100bn annual funding to the most climate-vulnerable countries until 2023.

But we can take the opportunity this Fairtrade Fortnight to support Fairtrade farmers by acting positively in our local communities of Retford and Worksop and surrounding villages.

Look for local stores marking Fairtrade Fortnight:

  • tell them you are pleased they are taking the opportunity to support farmers and workers to receive a fair price for their goods and receive a fair wage.
  • look out for special displays.
  • wonder at the range of goods on offer.
  • take advantage of any promotions etc! The Coops and Sainsburys are always good at supporting Fairtrade.
  • Use Fairtrade products in your workplace, business or community group and post on the Fairtrade for Bassetlaw Facebook page:
  • Use the Worksop Life and Retford Life social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to tell others about Fairtrade action you would suggest or have taken.
  • Check out further festival information on the Fairtrade Foundation website and register to stay tuned. You will also find posts and banners for your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us more than ever how interconnected we are globally. This interconnection is at the very heart of the Fairtrade message and is where your role begins. You are part of the Fairtrade movement, and you have the power to drive long-term change, not only with your shopping choices but with your support in spreading the message.

If you have ideas you want to share or are looking for connections, contact Kathy Cowbrough, Fairtrade supporter, at or message on 07745 811172.