Ticket sales for Charity Nights at The Blues Club Gainsborough are a little bit slower than usual. That is expected under the circumstances but there are some great acts are lined up so please support these events if you can.
Take along friends and family to their next charity night on 4th September, when they have The Kinx, one of the top tribute bands to The Kinks, supported by Nancy Ann Lee with her Little Miss Sixties show (this is the best female tribute to the sixties in the UK) plus, of course, Dave Brewer’s disco. If you like dancing, singing, or listening and watching this is a night for you. It is not to be missed, with four hours of first class entertainment for the silly price of £10.00 per person.
This is followed by Amen Corner on 16th October, supported by new-to-the-club Jimi Dee plus disco. Another great night is guaranteed.
Please order and pay for all your tickets for all events as early as possible to reserve your seat / table and the organisers hope to see as many of you there as possible. They have some great acts lined up for you in the coming months so please support them so they can support others. As usual, donations for raffle prizes will be very much appreciated as they want to be raising money for local charities as quickly as possible.
Tickets can be ordered from the Club on 01427 613688, Steve on 07759 945194, Baz on 07931 762159, John on 07508 320243 or Hank on 07931 714069.