Ollerton Library is located on Forest Road, next to the Post Office. It is open Monday to Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There’s lots of services available at the Library and online at www.inspireculture.org.uk, too. Keep up with the latest news and events at...
Tuesday @ Broom continues to meet twice a month at Broom Methodist Church– on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 10.00am to 12.00pm. All are welcome to join for conversation, craft activities, quizzes, games, fun, and refreshments. Little Boat Toddler...
Tuesday @ Broom continues to meet twice a month at Broom Methodist Church– on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 10.00am to 12.00pm. All are welcome to join for conversation, craft activities, quizzes, games, fun, and refreshments. Little Boat Toddler...
Retford Ladies Probus Club’s Annual General Meeting garnered a healthy number of members. Angie Haynes agreed to continue presidency so, together with new committee members coming on board, the Club is now in safe hands for the coming year. Speaker Anette Taylor was...
The Marton Methodist Centre, formerly known as the Marton Methodist Chapel, hosts a weekly Adult Youth Club every Thursday from 2.00pm to 3.30pm, providing a welcoming environment for games, conversation, tea, and coffee. New members are always welcome to join for...
There was a very good turnout for the February coffee morning at Lea Village Hall despite the very cold weather. The raffle proceeds were divided between the charity of the month, Tommy’s, and the Village Hall. Thank you to all who bought tickets. It was lovely to see...